
产品名称:Fluke 700BCA条形码适配器



产品特点:Fluke 700BCA是福禄克(fluke)生产的一款条形码适配器,

Fluke 700BCA条形码适配器的详细资料:

Description: Shielded four conductor cable terminated with a 9-socket D-subminiature connector and a 9-pin D-subminiature connector.
Application: Provides interconnection and pin translation between a Fluke 743 Documenting Process Calibrator and a Hewlett Packard HBSW-8200 Bar Code Wand.
Included: Interface cable, (calibrator to bar code wand), and instruction sheet in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Mechanical & General Specifications
Size Overall length approximay 15 cm 
Warranty One year 
Material Black PVC cable and housings, tin plated shells, gold plated copper contacts.


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