
产品名称:FLUKE 700-IV分流器



产品特点:Fluke 700-IV是福禄克(fluke)生产的一款分流器,

FLUKE 700-IV分流器的详细资料:

Very accurate current shunt to use for verification and calibration of process control loops. Can be used with accurate voltmeters for calibration purposes
Can be used with Fluke 74X series in mA/mA applications (74X will display mA/mA automatically)
One year warranty

Measurement type Current shunt
Nominal current range 4 mA - 20 mA
Continuous current range 0 mA - 55 mA
Maximum Non-Destructive Current 55 mA
Lowest measurable current 0 mA
Basic Accuracy 0.025%
(% reading + floorspec)
Output level(s) 10 mV/A

Safety Specifications
Safety 30 V
Maximum voltage 30 V

Mechanical & General Specifications
Warranty 1 year
Shrouded banana plugs Yes


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咏绎电子科技(苏州)有限公司专业提供FLUKE 700-IV分流器等产品信息,欢迎来电咨询!
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公司地址:苏州高新区长江路436号绿宝商务楼2幢7003室   电话:0512-68051240 GoogleSitemap