
产品名称:FLUKE i1000s 交流电流探头



产品特点:  允许测量电流从100年到1000年的均方根,马5赫兹到100赫兹的没有闯入电路  无源滤波器消除噪声和戒指嘀快速上升的电压波形,确保准确的屏幕显示  通过直接连接示波器钢筋同轴电缆和绝缘同轴连接器  可以使用万用表与随意PM9081/001 BNC /香蕉适配器  设备保修一年

FLUKE i1000s 交流电流探头的详细资料:

This Current Probe provides the following features:

Allows accurate measurement of currents from 100 mA to 1000 A rms, 5 Hz to 100 kHz without breaking into the circuit
A passive filter eliminates noise and ring on rapidly rising di/dt waveform, ensuring accurate screen displays
Connects directly to an oscilloscope through a reinforced coaxial cable and an insulated BNC connector
Can be used with Multimeters with optional PM9081/001 BNC/Banana adapter
One year warranty
Nominal current range 10 A 
100 A 
1000 A 
Continuous current range 0.1 A - 10 A
0.1 A - 100 A
1 A - 1000 A
Maximum Non-Destructive Current 2000 A
Lowest measurable current 0.1
Basic Accuracy 1% + 1 A
(48-65 Hz)
(% reading + floorspec)
Useable frequency 5 Hz - 100 kHz
Output level(s) 100 mv/A
10 mv/A
1 mv/A

Safety Specifications
Safety CAT III, 600 V
CAT IV, 300 V
Maximum voltage 600 V AC

Mechanical & General Specifications
Warranty 1 year
Maximum conductor diameter 54 mm
Output cable length 1.6 m
BNC Adapter Yes


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咏绎电子科技(苏州)有限公司专业提供FLUKE i1000s 交流电流探头等产品信息,欢迎来电咨询!
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