2.5 GSa/s Real Time, 25 GSa/s Random Sampling,
Low Noise Flash A/D Converter (Reference Class)
R 4 MPts Memory, Memory oom up to 100,000:1
R MSO (Mixed Signal Opt. HO3508 [HO3516])
with 8 [16] Logic Channels
R Serial Bus Trigger and Hardware accelerated Decode
incl. List View. Options: I2C + SPI + UART/RS-232, CAN/LIN
R Automatic Search for User defined Events
R Pass/Fail Test based on Masks
R Vertical Sensitivity 1 mV/div., Offset Control ±0.2...±20 V
R 12 div. x-Axis Display Range, 20 div. y-Axis Display Range
R Trigger Modes: Slope, Video, Pulsewidth, Logic, Delayed, Event
R 6 Digit Counter, Automeasurement: max. 6 Parameters
incl. Statistic, Formula Editor, Ratiocursor, FFT: 64 kPts
R Fan: Silence redefined
R 3 x USB for Mass Storage, Printer and Remote Control
250MHz 4 Channel Digital Oscilloscope
Passive Probe 1000:1
AC/DC Current Probe
100/1000 A HZO51
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